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Kharkiv National Aviation University

  Reception of documents of foreign applicants is carried out twice a year - in the autumn and in the winter.

  If you dreamed of a career in the aviation industry, then we are happy to present to your attention a university that can turn your dreams into reality - Kharkiv Aviation Institute. This year the university turns eighty-eight years old, and today more than ten thousand students receive the specialized education in the university.

Go to Application Form

To submit application for admission, fill out the application form below

To get an Invitation Letter for Study Visa, send scanned or photographed copies of your documents to the email address: 

- International passport
- Document about the acquired education

The requirements for obtaining a student visa for Ukraine depend on your country of origin. For more information log in to your account.

Deadlines for International Students:

  - September Intake 15.09
  - Spring Intake: 20.01

How to apply?

STEP 1. Fill in the Application Form, indicating the desired degree / form / language of studying, faculty and attach your documents;

STEP 2. After Applying the documents, on the specified e-mail you will receive a login and password for access to Your Personal Account;

STEP 3. In Your Personal Account, our consultants will answer to all your questions and check your documents;

STEP 4. After submission, you will receive an official invitation from the University for Study Visa;

STEP 5. After getting the visa, we will arrange an airport pick up and complete your university admission.

Apply now:


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Kharkov National Aviation University

Kharkov National aviation university established in 1930, the university witnessed many transformations from 1941 till 1998 until it finally settled in 2000 to be renamed again of ″Kharkov Aviation Institute″ which is it name till today. This institution is authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and recognized worldwide. These institutions is such a great and special higher education university where the airplanes get developed in the Institute Design Bureau which is such a great thing for it image.

This faculty attached to the Bologna educational process, therefore it is possible to get your academic degrees in bachelor, master and Ph.D. 
You can find a lot of department in this institution in every degree as in bachelor, Master and Ph.D.
For Bachelor (4 years): to be a student  in this faculty you have the chance of more department specially the Avionics department or  , Aircraft Engines and Power Plants there are also  Airplanes and Helicopters Technology  and so many other specialties which you can find it in our website or university web site  . For Master (2 years):if you want a good master then KNAU is the best way to finish this program and get your certificate in the best specialties like  Maintenance and Repair of Aircraft and Engines or Computer-integrated Technological Processes and Manufacturing and so many others where you can check in our website . The most of training programs are obtainable in Ukrainian and Russian.

But because of the international oriented studies (Study in Ukraine). they set many Bachelor’s and Masters of Science Programmers in English for their universal students which are getting increased year by year to be the most city with more foreign students in Ukraine from different nations as United State of America, Asia and Africans countries. The university coached more than 60.000 engineers and because of the higher education of this university we find that more workers of the Ukraine aerospace area are the graduates of Kharkov National University .

There’s 650 teachers and 2500 employers working here between them there are applicants of science and 121 professors.
Kharkov National University is involvement in many memberships and programs as like the TEMPUS Programs or EU Framework Programs and many others such as European and Global International Associations and Bilateral cooperation and Dual Degree Programs with World Leading Universities The trainers of Kharkov National  Aviation University will gain a certificate which is a globally recognized diploma can enables him to complete his studies in many different countries around the world because of it rating in the TOP Universities in Ukraine. During your day in university you will feel so comfortable because of the comfort zone of education where there a playground to play with friends or restaurant, WIFI and computer classes where you can pass your free time.On the university's account, there is a creation of Europe's first high-speed aircraft equipped with retractable landing gear. Also within the walls of the Kharkiv Aviation Institute was created a project for a turbojet engine.

Why Kharkov Aviation National university?

Today Kharkov aviation national university is considered as one of the best universities to finish your study program. Any student wants to finish his study higher education so at list he need to waste this time in a good university and this institution is the best direction to do that. Because of the it ranking, last year’s many students around the world start applying to this faculty. Different and many specialties are offered by the university in three languages as English, Ukrainian and Russian.All the departments have a high standard so you will not be worried in this point. Be part of this institution will give you chance to know and discover many things in your fields and in others which will help you to develop your knowledge.Thanks to the higher system of university, teachers and employers will help you in every step and make things more clarify to you so you will not face any problem like this.

KNAU is a storehouse of opportunities for foreign, because qualified from this institution and get a good diploma that are recorded over the world as one of the best universities which will give you the priority to be employed in good companies around the world. There are more words to describe the benefits of been students in this faculty.

Tuition fees of Kharkov National Aviation University?

The institution offers an economical European teaching. which is such a cheap prices compering to other European universities. The cost of training depends on the wanted university department and language which are available on three languages: Ukrainian, Russian and English. You need the join the preparatory faculty if you want to learn in Russian or Ukrainian which cost 1500$ and it spend for one year and its obligatory. In all places learning in English is more expensive than Russian or Ukrainian. For example: avionics in English cost 3000$ which is 2200$ in Ukrainian and Russian, Airplanes and Helicopters, Manufacturing Technology of Aircraft in English cost 3000$ which is 2200$ in Ukrainian and Russian, Maintenance and Repair of Aircraft and Engines in English 3000$ which is 2200$  in Ukrainian and Russian, Computer-integrated Technological Processes and Manufacturing in English 3000$ which is 2200$ in Russian or Ukrainian, Computer-oriented and Experimental Fluid Mechanics in English 3000$ which is 2200$ in Ukrainian and Russian, and others.

 For P.H.D available in three language for 3500$.which is very suitable price looking for the good place of university. So compering between this prices and others prices of European universities we found that this institutions is the best choice for foreign to continue their education. The dean of this institution is very understandable which let its student to pay for tuition fee for two times in a year which are in begin of the first semester and in the end of this semester. You can get a discount starting from the second year with if you will show good performers at university on exams or win in one of the university competition which is such a good opportunity to use during your study period.

How to apply to Kharkov Aviation University?

You Can apply now to Kharkov National Aviation University with FD study to ensure your acceptance. FD study have a direct contract with this university, so all you have to do is sending request with our agency and send your necessary document as copy passport, educational document to check from the employee of agency. If everything ok they will contact, you and they will demand to send same document translated in English if they are in other language. The agency after that will get your invitation from agency and will send it to you by poste.

After getting you invitation you will apply in Ukrainian visa center in your country with the other necessary documents ,this procedure will take 2 weeks maximum then you will get your visa and come to Ukraine where our employee will be waiting to you in airport and help you to reach Kharkov city. After 1 or 2 day they will take you to university to finish the applying procedure and apply your document. If you choose to learn in English there’s a little test in English you have to past, but if you choose learning in Russian or Ukrainian then you will join the preparatory courses to learn the language. For payment of university, you need to pay in bank of the institution when you come to Ukraine then you can start education steps.

For more information you can reach us privately in one of our contacts as:
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Hostels and apartments in Kharkov: This academy has such a big and comfortable hostels where students will live normal and in calm. The rooms here are different where you can find rooms only for one person until rooms for 3 peoples. Because those hostels are state hostels so the prices of living are so cheap compering to other hostel in other countries which are 300 $ for a year. The hostels are secure area with cameras and security during the 24 hours to guarantee your safety. You can come and go anytime, you need just your hostel card to get in. The hostel contains a big green area where you can sit and study in summer.

Living in a hostel will teach you how to be responsible and how to respect other different people around you which I the first good thing in living there. You will meet new friends from different countries around the world, this is how you will develop your knowledge with getting new information and identify new culture. Every time student make party with the help of the director of hostel where everyone will have fun and spend good time. Hostels are close to university that’s why student will not have any problem with transport in winter or something. There are also private hostels which they are such a good hostel too, the monthly prices start from 50$ to 80$. It will be a better condition and better rooms where for every apartment of this hostel will have its own bathroom and kitchen. You will not find only student living there but there are also worker. It’s a secure building where there’s concierge during the day. Other student don’t want to live in hostels so there are apartments in all the city for rent where prices start from 100$ and more it depend of the location, condition of apartment and buildings , for new apartment and new building the prices are high start from 250$ until 400$ in a month.

Part time education:

There are different and many people start applying for part time education specially the international students. So many of them are already working or have families so they don’t have time to come and study all year, with this educational system, now they can come two times in a year to pass the exams that’s all.During the year they will receive the lessons on email to pursue the distance learning. This educational system is less expensive than the full time education when the year cost only 1100$ in a year. With this way many people will save more many as the tuition fees, the everyday live cost and don’t have to live away from their families.

Living in Kharkov City:

Kharkov is the second biggest city in Ukraine after Kiev (capital). There are more activities to do in this city and more places to go. More foreign are living here after choosing Kharkov Universities to continue their study. The architecture of the buildings is so attractive. There are more malls in all city, more restaurants and different cuisine. The cost of living is normal the prices are good, where you can find both cheap and expensive things.
For shopping there are so many shops and store for that, there are the cheap store and the expensive ones. The transport is easy and available every time and everywhere so you will not face any navigate problems during 24 hours, there are metro, subway, bus and taxi. For having fun there are a big amusement park to play in different games, there are also cinemas in different language.

History of Kharkov

Kharkov National Aviation University is located in the east of Ukraine in the city of Kharkov. The history of this institution of higher education begins in 1930. In those years, a student of the famous scientist N. Ye. Zhukovsky contributed to the discovery of the Kharkov Aviation Institute. This person was a professor, and in the future academician Georgy Proskura. He and the students of the Kharkov Technological Institute created the groundwork for creating the KhAI. Today KhAI is an advanced university in training. 80% of specialists in the aerospace industry of Ukraine are graduates of this educational institution. In 1937, a jet group worked at the Kharkov Aviation Institute, which created the first missiles. In the 60s of the twentieth century, a laboratory was created at KhAI. At the end of the twentieth century, another popular humanities faculty was created.

In 1932, under the direction of the outstanding professor of the department of aircraft design, Iosif Grigorievich Neman, they created a project of a high-speed aircraft, which was called the KhAI-1. Thus was created the first in Europe passenger aircraft with retractable landing gear in flight. This option provided the KhAI-1 aircraft with a speed record. On the domestic engine M-22, 480 hp He showed a speed of 322km / h, according to this indicator, he took the 1st place in Europe and 2nd in the world. During the period from 1934 to 1937, more than 40 such vehicles were built at the Kiev aircraft factory and in the pre-war years, the KHAI - 1 became the most popular passenger aircraft in the country. All of the listed achievements in this area served as an impetus for the creation of an experimental design bureau at the KhAI.

Work on this area continued, and as a result, from 1936 to 1938, the KhAI-5 was created on the basis of the KhAI-1 aircraft, whose modification the KhAI-5-R10 bomber was actively used during World War II as a reconnaissance aircraft bomber, until 1943 year. The total number of such machines created is 490. In 1934, the KhAI-4 glider first flown by Pavel Georgievich took off for the first time. It was they who were offered a unique system of hydraulic connection between the front and rear chassis, which allowed simultaneously remove and release three wheels in flight. In the summer of 1934, a double glider is created in the KhAI - “KhAI-2. Two months later, at the tenth All-Union glider competitions in Koktebel, the unique KhAI-2 set a record among the gliders of its class, having held in the air for 58 minutes. This record was not the last in those days. On the way back to Kharkov, this aircraft sets another record - the glider piloted by pilot Leonid Rozhkov flew for four and a half hours in tow from the Crimea to Kharkov without a single landing.

The creation of the first domestic turbojet engine is also the hard work of the staff of the Kharkov Aviation Institute. Thus, in 1935, the engineer KhAI A.L. The cradle, developed and designed this equipment under the name RTD-1. Another unique project that has become a reality is the “flying wings”. In 1935, studying in this school, Fischuk, Stasyuk, and Kosukhin created this interesting project, which enables a person who jumped out of a plane to make a planning flight. Today, this creation is known as the “jetpack”. Surprisingly, the first rockets were created and launched by scientists and students of the KhAI. Under the leadership of academician G.F. Proskuru group of scientists, engineers and students constructs and launches the first rocket. This event took place in 1937. The success of this school was demonstrated at international exhibitions in the United States and Canada. For example, the created aircraft KhAI-21 attracted a large amount of attention to the stands at international events. On March 31, 1978, the Kharkov Aviation Institute was given the name of the aeronautics theorist “father of domestic aviation” N.E. Zhukovsky.

To previous achievements, we can add the fact that the university participated in the creation of the space station of international value, and continues to work closely with various international organizations. On the basis of the university there are nine faculties, eight large academic buildings, a scientific laboratory, modern libraries, a sports complex with a swimming pool, and many additional classes. The university will promote the development in students of hidden talents and abilities, which you could not even suspect. The procedure for admission of foreigners to the Kharkiv National Aerospace University implies the preliminary submission of documents translated in advance into Ukrainian and certified by a notary office. Studying of foreigners in Ukraine is conducted in English and Russian. Kharkiv National Aerospace University, the price of studying in which is very economical compared to other European universities, will form a high-level specialist among you, before which will be opened the doors of all the leading companies around the world.

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